
The Village of Pleasant Valley was incorporated on May 5th, 1814 and not long after the Village trustees set up a fire company. This is verified by a document appointing Jeremiah Clearwater as “a fireman in a company of firemen raised by authority of an act of the Legislature of the State of NY signed and sealed by William Thorn, President of the Pleasant Valley Village Trustees”, dated Aug 18,1826.

Time marched on with no further mention of the Fire Company until 1903 when the John Knott Fire Association appears as the agency created to respond to and handle all fire fighting and emergency events in the village. Alfred Leith, Foreman, proposed that the Village accept the services of the fire company which the village did, in turn, accept. In 1907 The Village issued a proclamation (which can be found in a frame of fire hall meeting room) commending the John Knott organization for its dedication to protecting lives and property in Pleasant Valley and acknowledged them as the Pleasant Valley Vol Fire Co. It was from this document and the Pleasant Valley Fire Department drew the line to celebrate our 100th anniversary. The Fire Company incorporated in the State of NY in 1913. That same year the fire company entered into a 5 year lease with “The Hall Co.” for monthly meetings and other fire company functions. The lease was agreed upon at $15.00 per year and it included the use of the shed in the rear to house fire company equipment.